We welcome adults into the Catholic Church through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), culminating with a celebration at the Easter Vigil. However the journey into the Catholic family is flexible and takes into account an individual's own spiritual needs.
A small team of parishioners spends time with people on this journey to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and come to know his family of faith we call the Catholic Church.
* if you ever thought about becoming Catholic
* if you want to learn more about the Catholic faith
* if you are Catholic but want to understand your faith more on an adult level
* if you are searching for belonging or deeper meaning to your life
* if you are seeking a deeper spiritual element to your life
* if you missed out as a child on the sacraments of Baptism, or Confirmation or First Communion
Please contact the parish office for further information 8531 1699