A miracle of life shared with us by God.
We look forward to sharing the celebration of Baptism for your child. In Baptism, we become an adopted son/daughter of God and are welcomed into the Church. There are some steps of preparation for Baptism. First, please contact the parish office (8531 1699) and arrange for a member of the Baptism Team to visit and take family details and arrange the date of baptism. Second, we ask that you attend a Baptism Preparation session in order to explore faith in God and the symbols used in Baptism. Third, as your child will be welcomed as a member of the parish we ask that he/she is presented to the parish community during a Sunday Mass. Fourth, Baptisms are normally celebrated on the 2nd or 4th Sundays of the month. The Baptism could be during or after Mass.
Godparents or sponsors have the responsibility of supporting your child in the life of faith. There are normally two godparents, and they need to be baptized and confirmed Catholics over the age of 16. A godparent represents the church and should live a life of faith.
You will need to have a candle and a white garment for the Baptism ceremony.